Monday, November 29, 2010

Friday, November 19, 2010

Here's the link to send a message to the government about Bill C-311

To all Canadians: the David Suzuki Foundation has an email message to send to the government; it gets sent to the leader of each party, and the head of the senate as well as your local MP. Please add your voice to the wave of support for the Climate Accountability Act. We're trying to get to 7500 emails. It's imperative that the Canadian People voice dissent in order for us to actually live in a democracy. Canadians who care about the environment, please take the time to write letters and emails to governmental officials and show your support for Bill C-311 and demand that these swindling bullshit tactics STOP. The problem with Canada today is that Harper can get away with his dictator-style whims because Canadians are so tuned out and aren't making their voices heard.
So again, please add your voice to the wave of support for the Climate Accountability Act by clicking here and joining the letter writing campaign.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

NOOOOOOOOO! (Canadian Senate destroys Bill C-311)

GODDAMN CANADIAN GOVERNMENT! I petitioned for that bill!
A practically illegitimate surprise Senate vote has killed Bill C-311, the Climate Change Accountability Act.
I don't actually have time to rant about this the way I'd like to. However this is an example of the way our current government works to push for fossil fuel extraction, resource exploitation, and the removal of environmental standards and initiatives. It's the Harper agenda.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


So, check this out! World Land Trust is an organization which raises funds in order to purchase land and create wildlife sanctuaries; it's really awesome. If you go to the website, linked above, you can read Sir David Attenborough's story of his connections with the organization.
What's even cooler is something called Everyclick, which is a search engine that donates money to causes of your choice as you use it, through it's advertisers. It's actually fucking sick! I use it now as my default search provider. It seems legit; the practice of giving for free by clicking and the sponsors make the donations is something I found on the internet years ago, and at first I was sketched out and totally sceptical, but so far it seems legit. Other sites that are good are the Ecology Fund and the Hunger Site / the Rainforest Site, which can also be added as an app on Facebook. Anyway, I gotta go to class. If you're down for the above stuff, please tell all your friends!

Monday, November 1, 2010