Sunday, March 8, 2009


Ok, I just finished posting this morning, and then I went and watched something so disgusting, heartbreaking, and enraging, that I have to post this shit right fucking now.
When I was a little boy, I became an environmentalist for two main reasons: deforestation and pollution. At the time they seemed to me like the two stupidest and most senseless things anyone could do. They still are.


    This video made me feel so sick/guilty/angry/sad/a copious amount of other emotions. Plastic needs to stop being produced, and whatever plastic is left needs to be reused in an environmentally friendly way. But still...this video was horrific and I think that everyone should watch it. Thank you for posting it Brendan.

  2. what are some environmentally sustainable economic alternatives for locals in areas in which deforestation is a necessary evil facilitating the creation and sustenance of an agricultural economy which would otherwise not exist? clearly, those who participate in the industry on a local scale do not hold some kind of unusual malice towards the environment or their fellow humans - they are merely participating in the best economic opportunity available to them

    the reduction of complex social and political issues to a black and white context in which evil corporate interests stand alone against the individual and collective interests of humanity demonstrates a crude understanding of reality

    i am not pro-greed or pro-pollution, but what this world needs is specific, targeted, and effective solutions to environmental, political, and social problems - not idealistic grandstanding divorced from reality

    is the motivation to "raise awareness" about environmental injustice really as beneficial to society as we would think? how many people are really unaware of the fact that humans are causing environmental harm on a large scale? even if such a segment of the population does exist, wouldn't your energies be better spent crafting innovative and effective solutions to these problems and mobilizing the vast majority of the population that IS aware of environmental problems instead of posting youtube videos documenting evidence damning a crime we already know has been committed?

    i hold no ill will towards you or your blog posts, and i hope you will see this as constructive criticism instead of hate mail - i would like to see you grow into an effective and influential environmentalist, not just some bro on the net who's pissed off about shit

  3. I think you have good advice for any kind of activist who is looking to mobilize change in the world. However, the environment is something that affects all of us, and we all contribute to its demise. We can't simply rest on the shoulders of political invested environmentalists to create and sustain lasting change in the world. I am not an environmental student and I appreciate Peaceful Seeds for what it is: a positive and independent medium, where Brendan is sharing his information, and helping to inform, encourage, and mobilize my daily decisions and thoughts about the earth.


    (And for posting about slug sex, which is just the coolest!)

  4. Ugh. This really makes my chest ache and fill with rage. The problem is that I CAN believe all this is happening. It's amazing what happens to the sea because of our actions simply because it is an enviroment that seems separate from ours and the result is not in-our-faces at all times.

    Does seeing all this ever make you feel hopeless?
