Wednesday, October 7, 2009


The funniest lolcat.

Someday I will have time to blog for real again. I have been so ridiculously swamped though.
I don't know if anyone watched Stephen Harper's unholy desecration of the Beatles the other night. I couldn't watch. I thought it was insincere and he was trying to hook young liberals who don't pay much attention to politics. He pulled off his objective, though. Michael Ignatieff was at the exact same time making speeches trying to stir up the liberals and democrats, and Harper effectively hijacked all the publicity. Fucking Harper. He's one of the most pro-Oil Sands people in Canada outside Alberta, as well as being pro-Arctic Melting so that we can go up there and strip the land for resources.
Here's a good news article from awhile ago:
Put Oil Sands On Hold

It refers to Nobel Peace Prize Winner Rajendra Pauchari, head of the IPCC.
The Montreal Gazette has a really good section online of environmental articles. So do most news sites or magazines for that matter.
I gotta keep studying. Keep fighting for peace.

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